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And here comes a really old one...:

And here comes a really old one...:
Living dolls is what we are.
In this case we won’t get far.
What is the meaning of my life?
Am I a girl, a woman or a wife?

I need someone to hold me tight,
I need to fool around all night-
I’m searching for a reason to survive,
make my life worth to stay alive.

I jump into that ring of fire.
Show you what is my desire.
Love is just a tale to tell,
can be heaven, can be hell.

I need someone to hold me tight,
I need to fool around all night-
I’m searching for a reason to survive,
make my life worth to stay

(C) by Seducing
...was this piece one of four songs I wrote at that time (20 years ago) and sang in an open stage night in Munich. And to my greatest surprise people liked it...
Sometimes it makes me smile to think about the good old times *zwinker*
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